Thursday, March 9, 2017

Old Wives Tales Gender Prediction

Dear Baby,

I did this old wives tale gender prediction test when I was pregnant with Harrison and it was right with him so lets see what it predicts for you!

1. Carrying high or low. If you carry high, it’s more than likely a girl, if you carry low it means it’s a boy: I think I have been carrying high through the pregnancy.  No one has really said anything regarding how I am carrying.  Verdict says: GIRL

2. Heart rate. Old wives tales say if it’s above 140 it’s a girl, below and it’s a boy.  When I went in at 9 weeks I think the heartbeat was 172. Verdict says: GIRL

3. Acne: if your skin gets worse it’s a girl, if it stays the same it’s a boy. Skin has stayed pretty much the same with an occasional pimple or two.  Verdict says: BOY

4 : Cravings. Sweets mean girl, while salty cravings point to boy. Definitely craving more sweet than salty. Verdict says: GIRL

5. If you have morning sickness, it’s a girl. If you don’t, it’s a boy. I wouldn't say I had morning sickness, just some occasional nausea and aversion to smells.  Verdict says: BOY

6. Skin: Dry means it’s a boy, smooth means it’s a girl.  My skin has become dry.  Verdict says: BOY

7. Chinese gender chart. The Chinese gender chart says girl.  Verdict says: GIRL

8. Leg hair.  If your leg hair grows faster while pregnant, it means your baby is a boy, if there’s no change it means it’s a girl. I am not a hairy person in general but I haven’t noticed my leg hair growing any faster.  Verdict says: GIRL

9. Mood. Wive’s tales say if you’re moody it’s a girl, if you’re not its a boy. I don't think I have been very moody or emotional.  Just tired and overwhelmed. Verdict says: BOY

10. Mother’s instinct. My feeling has always been a big question mark???  But this week I think a boy.  Verdict says: BOY

5 for Boy - 5 for Girl

I guess even the old wives are unsure with this one!

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